Sunday 28 June 2015

An Introduction to Aerodynamics


Hello and welcome to my research post regarding Aerodynamics. My goal is to explore the different concepts and theories of Aerodynamics and its importance in our daily lives. I hope my posts would be able to enhance both your knowledge and my own as we embark on a journey to explore the hidden and often overlooked significance of Aerodynamics and how it contributes to make our lives more adaptable to our surroundings.

What is Aerodynamics?
Firstly, I would like to start off with exploring the widely accepted definition of aerodynamics and disregard any common misconceptions. Aerodynamics is the study of how the motion and forces of air interacts with objects in its surroundings, commonly solid objects such as: Planes, cars, etc. Over the years of research from experts, our society has been searching for methods to use the study of Aerodynamics to our advantage, one of the most well known reasons for Aerodynamics is how we are able to innovate generations of vehicles which are more Aerodynamic than the vehicles in the past, resulting in the increased performance and efficiency of the vehicles, of course this is not the only reason why our cars and planes in modern times are able to travel much more efficiently; there are also factors such as the engine and materials used to make the vehicle, but ultimately enhancing the Aerodynamics of the object plays a significant role in the advancement of our society.   A common misconception regarding Aerodynamics is that it only involves objects that relate to flight, but that is widely inaccurate as almost everything that  travels through a form of gas is theoretically involved in the concepts of Aerodynamics, these things can range from the speed of an aircraft to the motion of an Olympic sprinter.

Next in my research: 
In my next blog post I would be exploring in detail the four major forces that have a great effect on object that take flight. We will look at: Lift, Weight, Thrust, and Drag.


Thank you for checking our my blog post and I can assure that there will be more frequent posts regarding Aerodynamics, as I further deepen my understanding. I look forward to sharing with you my knowledge and new discoveries.

Shawn L.

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