Monday 15 June 2015

How technolgy has changed the medical'healt care field

Hi Everyone!
      On my previous blog post, I've been talking about technology in the medical field.I'm sure most of you have come across some of these technologies during a visit to the hospital; such as the x-ray machine[radiograph], although it may not sound very 'advance' it has helped doctors to identify locations of broken bones, detect tumors and many more.
      Currently my research focuses on different examples of machines that have changed the medical field all over the world! I found out that the technologies range from tiny microchips to big robotic arms for surgery. The microchips replaces the need for animal testing and it provides a more accurate results while the robotic arms could perform surgery with precision and accuracy which then increases the survival rate for risky surgeries. Thanks to these gadgets millions of lives have been safe. Who knows maybe you could be one of them in the near future? Sadly, I have not been able to focus closely on the science behind how they work yet.
      Another aspect of my project that I focused on is still within the range on the examples of technologies but the difference is these are not introduced to the medical field yet. They are rather prototypes that could potentially change the medical field. Below I have included a picture to further inform you of what is going on in the field.
     In my next blog I will post more information regarding the science behind these technologies. I will try my best to summarize the information in a way that it'll be easy to understand. Ta Ta for now:)


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